Welcome to the home of Artwork by Jani. Below you will find updates on my artwork and art business. Thanks for looking. AND THANK YOU to so so, so many people for their support, attention, ego stroking, and encouragement. "I get by with a little help from my friends!" said a wise man.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Good News
David was accepted to New York University, Tisch School of Drama, Undergraduate. He/we are thrilled. It was his first choice, early decision, and he auditioned/interviewed in NY on November 11th. What a wonderful Christmas gift and a terrific way to start the New Year! I'm so very proud! He has worked so so so so very hard to get there.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Happy Holidays
Wishing you happy holidays and a happy and healthy new year! Please scroll down...I have added some new paintings! I've been busy and lovin' it. Passion is powerful!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
November 2009
Feeling good despite the 12-15 hrs. of sleep a day--I have to remember that I had brain surgery which by the way was benign. I've been given the okay to drive, grocery shop, and lift things in moderation. I walk every day since I am not allowed to exercise which is really bumming me out. I painted a couple days ago. What a great feeling. I love it. I need some more art goals for 2010.
Kids are awesome--David sent out 10 college applications and will be on stage November 19-22nd at LTHS as Charlie Brown. Maddy is playing intramural Badminton and studying hard. I am looking forward to going back to work and playing with my friends!
Thanks to all who have been holding me up--you are the reason why we have thanksgiving! xoxo
Kids are awesome--David sent out 10 college applications and will be on stage November 19-22nd at LTHS as Charlie Brown. Maddy is playing intramural Badminton and studying hard. I am looking forward to going back to work and playing with my friends!
Thanks to all who have been holding me up--you are the reason why we have thanksgiving! xoxo
Sunday, October 25, 2009
brain surgery
Because the past year was sad enough with Kurt's illness and death...Long story--I had a mengianoma removed last week. Home now, feeling good, no cancer, just a tumor that was found by accident. Blessing in disguise. Time to enjoy life and give lots of love! 2010 here I come. Time to PAINT!!!!!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
June was a blur. July was filled with phone calls, confusion and trying to get back to normal. However, while both kids were at camp, I managed to celebrate my birthday for a week straight in Boulder, Denver then back in Chicago. Now it's August 7th and I'm repeating July's list. Haven't picked up a paint brush--I'd like to create something, but I have been working at SPM and trying to settle legal matters. I am now the proud driver of an Audi S5--one of Kurt's prized possessions. I hated the manual transmission at first, but it's quite a cool car--it's growing on me. Keep in touch, jani
Monday, June 29, 2009
back to reality
I am back to work and trying to hold down the fort. The kids and I are doing okay. We are trying to keep positive and enjoy the summer. Thank you for your love and support. Hope to paint this weekend--I need to get back in the swing of it all.
Monday, June 15, 2009
We lost a friend
For those of you who actually follow this blog, Kurt passed away on Wednesday morning. Please read my lengthy blog post on his blog www.kurtbodell.blogspot.com. I will continue to post on his blog. Prayers please.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The roller coaster ride continues
I truly love roller coasters. Kurt and I use to go to Great America every summer. We'd arrive at 10am just to ride only the rollercoasters/thrill rides. We'd go coaster to coaster and leave the park by 2:00. However, this is one roller coaster that I want to get off-up and down, up and down. It's nauseating.
Kurt started chemo on Thurs. evening to get ready for the stem cell transplant scheduled for next week (Thursday?) They decided that it's better to get new cells in him versus taking the risk of more infections and complications. So the game is on. Kurt has a better attitude these days and looking forward to move ahead.
Thanks for your support, jani
Kurt started chemo on Thurs. evening to get ready for the stem cell transplant scheduled for next week (Thursday?) They decided that it's better to get new cells in him versus taking the risk of more infections and complications. So the game is on. Kurt has a better attitude these days and looking forward to move ahead.
Thanks for your support, jani
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Kurt agreed to a feeding tube. He is feeling better today. They hope to do the transplant next Monday--starting the chemo/meds on Friday. They want his physical state to improve before they go forward.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wake me up
Wake me up from this bad dream. Oh, wait, I'm not dreaming. Kurt is ill from a respiratory virus and is refusing to eat. He is being very stubborn, so we're going with the tough love "eat now darn it" attitude. Currently his blood is cancer free from the last round of chemo (good news), but they aren't sure they will give him the stem cell transplant because he is so weak and ill. That decision will be made on Monday. I'd like to fast forward a few months. Does anyone have a time machine?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Kurt's Schedule
Thank heavens the stem cell transplant is on June 3rd. He will start i.v. chemo soon to get ready for the transplant.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The latest
Well, Kurt's AML leukemia doesn't want to slow down so they had to give him more chemo to keep him maintained while they wait for the stem cell donor. Hopefully tomorrow we will have an answer to when this person can donate. In the meantime, Kurt is in the hospital and probably will be there for another month. He was very ill this week. Prayers please.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
May 9 - Kurt's back in the hospital
They are trying to keep a close eye on his white blood counts versus blast cells. He will probably be here for at least a week in which they are giving him more chemo on top of the oral chemo he is on. Still waiting for the Stem cell donor to step up to the plate. He's really feeling blue from the oral chemo--fever, headaches and body aches. They are scanning him today for respiratory infection. Prayers are definitely in order. Thanks for your love and support.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Update in the Bodell Household
After awaiting FDA approval, they allowed Kurt to have the FLT3 inhibitor drug that isn't FDA approved nationwide--only clinical trials. Hopefully that drug will stop abnormal cell growth. The donor bank found a new donor, however we are waiting to see when he/she can do it. Kurt starts oral chemo at home tomorrow. And as for me I will go back to work at SPM until they are ready to admit him--always the waiting game.
Madeline starts driver's ed in a couple weeks and finishes the badminton season this week. David took the SAT test Saturday, ACT this week topped off with 3 AP tests. I'm glad I'm not a junior in high school!
As for me, I finished three paintings last week, started two more pieces, and bruised my hand and thigh playing the tambourine last night when my friend generously offered to let me play a couple songs with his band. Looking forward to my next "gig." HA! Kurt thinks I should wear hockey pads! Madeline suggested, "Mom, I think you just shouldn't play the tambourine at all!" Kids!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Artist's Reception
Thank you to all those who attended my reception. Your support is truly appreciated. I had a blast!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Waiting Game
We're waiting...for Kurt's counts to go up...for the results of his 8th bone marrow biopsy...for the next steps... Prayers please.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The Latest Latest
The postcards went out today and the artwork is ready...artist's reception for moi at SPEX EYEWEAR "Art and Vision" in Hinsdale, 18 First Avenue, Hinsdale from 5:30-8:00pm. Let's hope this party is a go! Kurt will be there in spirit, probably very happy to watch sports versus me chit chatting. All are invited to join mi amigas afterwards for a few martinis.
Kurt is much better after the chemo treatments stopped. It was bad for a couple days. He had a good birthday and had a special visitor today. Thank you Cindy for spending 3 +hours with Kurt. I am going to sign you up for more visits--I know he prefers beautiful blondes especially the ones who adore him (besides Tammy and his beautiful doctors and nurses). (They are extremely attentive to him--he had withdrawals when he came home the last time! I stopped answering his calls to my cell phone when he was upstairs and I was in the basement!)
Kurt is much better after the chemo treatments stopped. It was bad for a couple days. He had a good birthday and had a special visitor today. Thank you Cindy for spending 3 +hours with Kurt. I am going to sign you up for more visits--I know he prefers beautiful blondes especially the ones who adore him (besides Tammy and his beautiful doctors and nurses). (They are extremely attentive to him--he had withdrawals when he came home the last time! I stopped answering his calls to my cell phone when he was upstairs and I was in the basement!)
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Update on Kurt
After a wonderful family vacation to Captiva Island, Florida, Kurt had a blood test and found out that the AML Leukemia is back fast and furious. They immediately admitted him to the hospital and started chemo yesterday. He will be in there a month--it will be a repeat of his treatments for the past 6 months. Thank God for zoloft and Mike's Hard Lemonade! I will be spending a lot of time in Chicago!
Kurt wants me to have my art show. So if all goes well the week of April 24th, I will be showing at SPEX.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
David is a Finalist
David is the only junior and one of ten who get to perform for the head of the music department at Northwestern University. Congratulations David!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The Latest
Showing at SPEX (First Avenue, Hinsdale, IL) "Art & Vision" on Friday, April 24th from 5:30-8:00. Paintings are ready to go. I just need to design a postcard which is always a treat since I am so computer saavy.
Kurt is feeling great and turning 50 on April 8th! He gets his hickman line out of his chest tomorrow. Madeline made the Freshman badminton team, David is a finalist in a solo singing contest tomorrow and rehearsing for Moon Over Buffalo--on stage in April.
Kurt is feeling great and turning 50 on April 8th! He gets his hickman line out of his chest tomorrow. Madeline made the Freshman badminton team, David is a finalist in a solo singing contest tomorrow and rehearsing for Moon Over Buffalo--on stage in April.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Painting up a storm
Nothing like a good dose of Chicago to light that creative fire. I'm having a blast.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Well, it's been a long road for Kurt and hopefully he is on a long, new path. As of Thursday, he was told that the stem cell transplant was a success, and he is leukemia free. He still has to go to the hospital twice a week to have his blood counts checked and visit the doctors.
He isn't necessarily out of the water for "graft vs. host" disease, which is the body rejecting the stem cell transplant, but they are very optimistic that his body won't go there since his blood counts are been very high. Usually after Day 100 (April 21st) the risk is slim. He still has to be carefulas far as germs are concerned. The doctors described his contact with germs as if you are bringing a new born baby in public.
Our new born, Kurt went to the Blackhawks game last night and was very happy to hang with his friends and be back in the stadium. He is looking forward to going back to work, heading to a race track or two and killing fish and small animals (hunting!).
On the artistic front, Peter Bosey's photography show at SPEX Eyewear (ART & VISION) was super. Peter's work is very soothing and lovely. His work will be there for 6 weeks. Great job Peter.
Friday, February 13, 2009
What's Happenin'
Well, I worked at SPM this week--back in the crazy advertising world. I was happy to run up and down the halls there versus U of Chicago. I missed my friends!
Everything is on track with Kurt. He's tired, but trying to get back in the swing--I'm pulling a nurse Ratched, giving him things to do, but the doctors want him to be active every 20 minutes to get stronger. He got a transfusion yesterday--just part of the process. On Wednesday he will go in for more tests and the 30-day bone marrow biopsy. That will confirm his progress.
On the art front, I dropped of new pieces at Hammer Boutique and Gallery's Choice, and I'm painting for my show in April. My friend, Peter Bosy will be exhibiting his photography Friday, February 27th from 7-9, at SPEX Eyewear in Hinsdale. Please stop by. His work is beautiful. Go PEter!
David is in Annie Get Your Gun next weekend at Lyons Township High School and then on stage at Circle Theatre in Forest Park in Les Miserables, March 10-14th--he's the innkeeper in both shows! What does that mean!!! He can't even clean his room! It's a bit ironic, "Keeper of the House." I should be singing that song!
Everything is on track with Kurt. He's tired, but trying to get back in the swing--I'm pulling a nurse Ratched, giving him things to do, but the doctors want him to be active every 20 minutes to get stronger. He got a transfusion yesterday--just part of the process. On Wednesday he will go in for more tests and the 30-day bone marrow biopsy. That will confirm his progress.
On the art front, I dropped of new pieces at Hammer Boutique and Gallery's Choice, and I'm painting for my show in April. My friend, Peter Bosy will be exhibiting his photography Friday, February 27th from 7-9, at SPEX Eyewear in Hinsdale. Please stop by. His work is beautiful. Go PEter!
David is in Annie Get Your Gun next weekend at Lyons Township High School and then on stage at Circle Theatre in Forest Park in Les Miserables, March 10-14th--he's the innkeeper in both shows! What does that mean!!! He can't even clean his room! It's a bit ironic, "Keeper of the House." I should be singing that song!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Kurt's Home
Kurt was released this afternoon to our surprise! He had Aurelio's Pizza for dinner and is looking forward to Super Bowl Sunday. Who's playing anyway? He's thrilled to be sleeping in his own bed...Lucy, our dog, isn't as excited since she had much more room to stretch out! I should have stock in Clorox. I have wipes positioned around the whole house for every door knob and handle--back to that routine.
Wish him well and keep the prayers going for a healthy year. As of now he is in remission with new cells in his body. Thanks for your love and support. - jani
Friday, January 30, 2009
Good News/Bad News
Good news as of 30 seconds ago, Kurt's blood counts jumped up drastically, and they are talking about sending him home tomorrow! That should be interesting. He is very loopy and has chemo brain. Bad news, I have to reclean my house this week--germ factor--not on my top 500 favorite things to do in my life.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Kurt's latest
Well, it's been a long five days since Kurt received the stem cells at 10pm on Wed. nite. Since then he has been very nauseous with bad headaches. Yesterday he actually ate three meals and went for a walk up and down the hall. However, today he is back to square one, sleeping, headaches and feeling awful. This process can last several more days. The stem cells are currently setting up shop in his bone marrow.
It's been a long day--I hardly remember typing the last paragraph this morning, half asleep.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Waiting for Stem Cells
It's Wednesday nite, and we are patiently waiting for Kurt's stem cells to fly in from some unknown location. This procedure will be painless, a bag o' stem cells goes into his tube in his chest, then the stem cells "know where to go." Fascinating. Over the next week, they will monitor him to make sure his body is accepting them.
In the meantime I am drawing and painting notecards in his room and typing on the University of Chicago's family computer in his room--an added bonus when your bill is over $100,000.
Thank you Jane and Richard for commissioning me to do the paintings. They look nice on the blog, don't they?
To my artistic friends, keep on painting, writing, drawing, singing, throwing, shooting photos...creativity infuses happiness in our hearts, which we then share with those around us either through our artwork or in our spirit. Inspire. xxoo
In the meantime I am drawing and painting notecards in his room and typing on the University of Chicago's family computer in his room--an added bonus when your bill is over $100,000.
Thank you Jane and Richard for commissioning me to do the paintings. They look nice on the blog, don't they?
To my artistic friends, keep on painting, writing, drawing, singing, throwing, shooting photos...creativity infuses happiness in our hearts, which we then share with those around us either through our artwork or in our spirit. Inspire. xxoo
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The latest
It was a very long day. Kurt was admitted today, the hickman line (a line with 3 valves for transfusion, administers meds etc. in his chest connecting to an artery--I think) put in and we met with the transplant nurses. He starts chemo and campo?(a drug to attack Tcells) tomorrow for a week. He will have his transplant on the 21st--one bag o' stem cells that goes directly into his hickman line. It will be painless and should take over a half hour. The remaining couple weeks will be tedious waiting to see if his body accepts the stem cells from a very generous, unknown donor. We hope to find out a year from now, who it is. They won't tell us now.
I felt like I was with a celebrity when we walked on the oncology floor. All his women were popping their heads in to welcome him back. I even coerced friendly, cute Mark, the nurse to wheel him back to his room instead of "transport." Transport isn't one of U of C's strong points. It could take an hour before someone will come to wheel you somewhere. I've learned to take matters into my own hands-- when no one is looking, move quickly. Kurt's room is much larger that the last few times, which will be great when I show up with a drop cloth, paints and my canvases!
I met with Sherry at SPEX Eyewear this evening to talk about my art show hosted at their store in Hinsdale. I am scheduled for Friday, April 27th from 5:30-8:00. Please mark your calendars. I'm looking for musicians to play in the background if anyone would like to give that a shot, let me know!
Thank you to all my sanity savers--Will Wolz for snowblowing at 5 a.m. this morning AGAIN, all the ladies who have cooked for us and my bro, Joe "Uncle Buck" who will be in charge of my kids this weekend to give me some hours of hanging with the high school friends and getting some rest. And thanks to Kurt's parents for hanging with Kurt.
We have a new addition to our family that lives in the garage. It's a giant snowblower that could eat small children and animals. I can use to to clear Dominick's parking lot if I need to. It has gears and wheels the size of bike tires. I use to run up and down the drive waywith the old one--not now. It wants to spend quality time with me and go very, very slow, especially in reverse. It says, Jani, take your time--you shouldn't be dragging a 75 lb. snowblower up the driveway. Let me do the work very slowly."
I felt like I was with a celebrity when we walked on the oncology floor. All his women were popping their heads in to welcome him back. I even coerced friendly, cute Mark, the nurse to wheel him back to his room instead of "transport." Transport isn't one of U of C's strong points. It could take an hour before someone will come to wheel you somewhere. I've learned to take matters into my own hands-- when no one is looking, move quickly. Kurt's room is much larger that the last few times, which will be great when I show up with a drop cloth, paints and my canvases!
I met with Sherry at SPEX Eyewear this evening to talk about my art show hosted at their store in Hinsdale. I am scheduled for Friday, April 27th from 5:30-8:00. Please mark your calendars. I'm looking for musicians to play in the background if anyone would like to give that a shot, let me know!
Thank you to all my sanity savers--Will Wolz for snowblowing at 5 a.m. this morning AGAIN, all the ladies who have cooked for us and my bro, Joe "Uncle Buck" who will be in charge of my kids this weekend to give me some hours of hanging with the high school friends and getting some rest. And thanks to Kurt's parents for hanging with Kurt.
We have a new addition to our family that lives in the garage. It's a giant snowblower that could eat small children and animals. I can use to to clear Dominick's parking lot if I need to. It has gears and wheels the size of bike tires. I use to run up and down the drive waywith the old one--not now. It wants to spend quality time with me and go very, very slow, especially in reverse. It says, Jani, take your time--you shouldn't be dragging a 75 lb. snowblower up the driveway. Let me do the work very slowly."
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Wanted: Getaway weekend
I'm feeling a getaway coming soon...Chez Carla's where I can paint, have some peace, and it's just a hop and a skip from U of C to visit Kurt--he's being admitted on Tuesday, January 13th for the stem cell transplant process.
On the artistic front, I am scheduled to have a showing in April at SPEX Eyewear in Hinsdale. Their shows are called Art and Vision. They sponsor the show, invite clients, serve wine and appetizers and display the artwork! That makes me happy!
Song of the week: Rehab by Rihanna
TTFN, jani
On the artistic front, I am scheduled to have a showing in April at SPEX Eyewear in Hinsdale. Their shows are called Art and Vision. They sponsor the show, invite clients, serve wine and appetizers and display the artwork! That makes me happy!
Song of the week: Rehab by Rihanna
TTFN, jani
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