Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thank You

Thank you to all my friends and clients who came by Hammer Boutique on Friday. It was great to see everyone. I appreciate the support! I am truly blessed. A big thanks to Hammer Boutique for hosting the evening!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Please join us at Hammer Boutique

Friday, February 11th from 4-8:00pm for a Featured Artists Open House. And yes, I am one of the four, featured artists. Hammer Boutique is located at 703 West Hillgrove, La Grange. Check out for info and location. Valentine's Day is right around the corner! Remember--flowers die, candy adds calories, but a piece of art lasts forever!

On Friday, April 29th, I will having a solo show at SPEX Eyewear in Hindale "Art and Vision." I'm thrilled to be heading back to SPEX after having a very successful show there in 2009. More info to come.